
Can you publish my memoir?

Yes. Bellwoods Press can work with you to edit, design and print your existing manuscript in soft or hardcover. If you would like to learn how to write your personal history, we can point you to several non-fiction writing courses and workshops. Or, we can elicit the story you want to tell through interviews, acting as your personal historian, and write it for you.

Do you edit?

If you provide us with a completed memoir, we will provide line editing, copyediting and proof reading for all finished manuscripts before they go to press.

Do you ghost write?

Bellwoods Press can offer ghostwriting services, working with you so that your voice is clear and engaging. We also work with you to help structure the writing. Contact us to discuss your project, and to see if we’re a good fit.

Can you provide editorial advice?

Yes. If you are not sure what you want to do with a story you have to tell, we provide consulting about the publishing industry in general, whether to approach a commercial house, how to pursue an agent, the advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing if you want to sell copies of your book, and other matters. Please contact us about an hourly fee for this consulting work.

Do you handle marketing and sales?

No. Bellwoods Press produces limited print runs for distribution within small circles. Some of our clients have sold their books at events, or to others with shared interests. That is their choice, and we do not expect further revenue once our work is done. Clients can order – and reorder – as many copies as they wish.

Do you write biographies?

What Bellwoods Press offers is unique. We craft profiles, ranging from 4,000 to 10,000 words. You might read such a profile of a leader or celebrity in a magazine, like Vanity Fair. Only in this case, it is about you.

As with a traditional biography, a journalist interviews the subject several times, as well as interviewing their friends and colleagues, but in a more focused way, usually to answer a particular question, such as “What drove him?” or “How did she come to be so widely admired?” We enjoy shading in some of the cultural and social context too: “Alexander arrived in the colony of Newfoundland five years before the last of the Beothuk Indians died, yielding their wild, fierce island to fisherman and soldiers from the British Isles.”

A profile is a more distilled biography, with the quality of a portrait.

How much is a Bellwoods Press book?

Please contact us about what you envision, and we will provide you with a quote. We don’t mean to be coy, it just really depends on the artistry, material and time required!

From the blog

Happy 2019.

Here’s a book we did for the holidays featuring hand made illustrated Christmas cards that were created by Patricia’s Grandmother. A trained and...